4 oz. chopped dark chocolate
3/4 C. heavy cream
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
dash of salt
Heat chocolate in double boiler, melted. Stir in sugar & heavy cream, whisking until smooth. Beat a small amount of chocolate mixture into bowl of beaten egg yolks. Gradually add the egg-chocolate mixture back into double boiler pan.Whisk and cook for several minutes over medium heat. Stir in vanilla and dash of salt. Strain through small sieve to remove any possible cooked egg "lumps." Pour into demitasse cups or small ramekins. Chill until firm.
我慢慢的煮,慢慢的搅,慢慢的放进冰厨…待冷却后,一口一口慢慢的吃,满满滑滑的巧克力又不会腻,很有满足感 :)